Playground Transporto

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    Inter-Play - AMBULANCE 1
    AMBULANCE 1  Playset 

    Playground set looking like an ambulance.

    Inter-Play - AMBULANCE 2
    AMBULANCE 2  Playset 

    Playground set with slide looking like an ambulance.

    Inter-Play - AMBULANCE 3
    AMBULANCE 3  Playset 

    Playground set with slide looking like an ambulance.

    Inter-Play - FIRE TRUCK 1
    FIRE TRUCK 1  Playset 

    Playground set with slide looking like a fire truck.

    Inter-Play - FIRE TRUCK 2 Inter-Play - FIRE TRUCK 2
    FIRE TRUCK 2  Playset 

    Playground set with slide looking like a fire truck.

    Inter-Play - FIRE TRUCK 3
    FIRE TRUCK 3  Playset 

    Playground set with slides looking like a fire truck.

    Inter-Play - POLICE 1
    POLICE 1  Playset 

    Playground set with slide looking like a police car.

    Inter-Play - POLICE 2
    POLICE 2  Playset 

    Playground set with slide looking like a police car.

    Inter-Play - POLICE 3
    POLICE 3  Playset 

    Playground set with slides looking like a police car.

    Inter-Play - LOKOMOTIVE 1
    LOKOMOTIVE 1  Playset 

    Playground set with one slide looking like a small locomotive.

    Inter-Play - LOKOMOTIVE 2
    LOKOMOTIVE 2  Playset 

    Playground set with one slide looking like a locomotive.

    Inter-Play - LOCOMOTIVE 3 Inter-Play - LOCOMOTIVE 3
    LOCOMOTIVE 3  Playset 

    Playground set with two slides looking like a big locomotive.

    Inter-Play - RAILWAY CARRIAGE 1
    RAILWAY CARRIAGE 1  Playset 

    Playground set looking like small railway carriage.

    Inter-Play - RAILWAY CARRIAGE 2
    RAILWAY CARRIAGE 2  Playset 

    Playground set looking like a railway carriage.

    Inter-Play - RAILWAY CARRIAGE 3
    RAILWAY CARRIAGE 3  Playset 

    Playground set looking like a big railway carriage.

    Inter-Play - SHIP 1
    SHIP 1  Playset 

    The playground set looking like a small ship.

    Inter-Play - SHIP 2
    SHIP 2  Playset 

    The playground set looking like a ship.

    Inter-Play - SHIP 3
    SHIP 3  Playset 

    The playground set looking like a big ship.

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    « Check out Inter-Play Offer

    The TRANSPORTO series are vehicle-shaped playground toys for school and preschool children.

    The structure is made of powder-coated galvanized steel, which makes it resistant to weather conditions and intensive use. The platforms are made of high-quality plywood with an anti-slip coating, ensuring the safety of children while playing.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with our TRANSPORTO offer.
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