Below you could find some short videos: two regarding our line – Integrado and Limako, one with our top seller product – Saturn swing and also general Inter-Play movie where you could see a short cut of range of our products.
Moreover we have YouTube channel where time to time we put some videos.
Clink link below to check more.
Inter-Play Playground Equipment
Inter-Play Inground Trampoline
Inter-Play Popular playground
Inter-Play Playground for disabled users
Limako Birdo - Swing with Birdnest
Limako Dometo Playground Set
LIMAKO for toddlers layout 6
Limako for kids - layout 6
LIMAKO for teenagers layout 6
Inter-Play - Bike II - Exercise instruction
Inter-Play - Triple twister - Exercise instruction
Inter-Play - Pendulum + Twister - Exercise instruction
Inter-Play - Shoulder pull - Exercise instruction
Inter-Play Playground Trampolines
Inter-Play Playing on trampolines